Rainbows in the Dark: Why the State Loves Pride and Hates God

June is nearly over, and normally the entire month can be seen through the filter of refracted light. Rainbows are usually everywhere as businesses, individuals, and government organizations declare their support for the LGBT community.

What the Rainbow Used to Mean

I establish my covenant with you, that never again shall all flesh be cut off by the waters of the flood, and never again shall there be a flood to destroy the earth.” And God said, “This is the sign of the covenant that I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for all future generations: I have set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be a sign of the covenant between me and the earth. When I bring clouds over the earth and the bow is seen in the clouds, I will remember my covenant that is between me and you and every living creature of all flesh. And the waters shall never again become a flood to destroy all flesh. When the bow is in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is on the earth.” God said to Noah, “This is the sign of the covenant that I have established between me and all flesh that is on the earth.”

Genesis 9:11-17, ESV
A nineteenth-century painting of the flood waters subsiding

Subsiding of the Waters of the Deluge, 1829, by Thomas Cole

Due to mankind’s wickedness, God sent a flood to wipe out life on earth, and he preserved only a small remnant: Noah and his family. God gave Noah, and all humanity after him, an assurance that he would never flood the world again. A bow was hung in the sky, which of course is a rainbow, but not only a rainbow. The bow signifies a weapon (like a bow and arrow) that God has hung up, with the intention never to use it again. His promise in Genesis 9 is one of common grace to humanity worldwide; a promise of preservation to the natural order, and the moral stipulation to preserve human life.

Gilbert Baker, the creator of the rainbow flag, knew the biblical history of the symbol, yet misinterpreted it. His licentious interpretation was that we are free to disregard God’s law, and God wouldn’t destroy us. Baker probably wouldn’t have recognized it as such, but the use of the rainbow in support of his cause is a thinly-veiled aggravation against God’s holy character, and his planetary command to repent and believe the Gospel.


Many who wish to show support for the LGBT community paint their social media accounts with the rainbow. Beer cans, burrito wrappers, and even sports teams don the rainbow every June. I am awed by the valor of each individual who holds to such radical views; views that are coincidentally held by Chase Bank and almost everyone in the government, as well. You rebel, you. Even my beloved baseball team, the (not in Los Angeles) Angels have an annual pride night. Why not invite the whole family out to celebrate sexual preference? Little Johnny should know exactly how Uncle Rick likes it, and where.

If my Instagram bio, along with pins, badges, and stickers declared my preference for tall, curvy brunettes, it would net me little more than the reputation of a creep, or a borderline exhibitionist. That’s how it was received at the PTA meetings I attended, anyway. Plenty of fellas fetishize asian women and make a lifestyle of appropriating their culture, but for some reason it isn’t viewed as the same noble and brave stance as pride.

Maybe the historical persecution of the gay community has earned them some immunity against such public disgust, because until thirty or forty years ago, it really was brave to be openly gay. Most of human history has lived in a time when you could die for those proclivities. But acceptance may not always be positive. There are always brief periods at the end of empires when anything and everything sexual goes, and we’re right on track for it. 

I make no argument for harming gay people. But (what an awkwardly placed but) once Chase Bank and Coca-Cola are on your side, you have to admit that the persecution stage of your history is over, and now you’re just a sexual preference like any other. It’s a sexual preference that some find morally reprehensible, and yet the gay community is not content with marriage rights, representation in media, and all of the other privileges that have been given in recent years that couldn’t have been imagined before. You have to wave the flag, too. They need an entire month. June, which is longer than Black History Month, is dedicated to pride, one of the seven deadly sins. I’m no Catholic, but I never had quibbles with setting those seven aside as particularly bad ways to live. So what? The battle was supposed to be over in 2015 when homosexual marriage was granted by the Supreme Court. Yet, they’re still fighting. I think their problem was ever deferring to state authority to grant that right in the first place. Governments can’t grant you rights, they can only restrict your God-given rights. My rights are not up for a vote, and neither should yours be.

A parade float sponsored by Chase Bank with people waving rainbow flags

A pride float sponsored by J.P. Morgan and Chase in New York City

A Harder Pill

Since then, the LGBT community has concentrated their efforts on a much harder pill to swallow—a pill hiding something under its skirt. One wonders why these groups were ever able to unite in the first place, given the fact that if one accepts trans ideology, it renders moot the identitarianism of the gay and lesbian communities, since those identities are based on their attraction to the same gender. Trans ideology comes along and loudly preaches to them that gender is only a social construct. They said the flood was coming, so get in the boat or don’t. The LGB community turned out to be more grey wolf than t-rex, because they got in the boat. They got with the program and they got with it quickly.

The outrage doesn’t come from the gay and lesbian communities, as one would expect, but from various stripes of conservatism, religious or otherwise. It seems, in light of recent faux pas in trans marketing, that public opinion is rotating away from profitability.

Corporate Interest

Businesses compete for the highest ESG score. ESG stands for environmental, social, and governance issues, and companies are scored accordingly. This is considered by prospective investors. Why would big business care about the environmental, social, or governance impact these companies have? How does that affect profit? Unsurprisingly, during the Biden Administration, ESG has had a huge impact on new regulations in businesses, and you can avoid a headache for yourself if you check a few identitarian boxes. This is why every movie and series has gay and trans characters now, and why many businesses put up a rainbow for June.

That explains why the Angels, a family organization in a conservative county, would have even a fleeting interest in supporting sexual preferences. It benefits their capital and standing in the eyes of government if they do.

A Line in the Sand

In April, a turn was taken when Bud Light grew sick of being the number one beer in America. In what will be remembered as one of the worst marketing moves of the common era, controversial figure, Dylan Mulvaney, was chosen for an ad and a spot on a limited-run promotional can. A self-proclaimed trans woman, his primary platform is on TikTok, the average age of which is under twenty years old, which is below the drinking age. Some have accused him of targeting children with his content. He also doesn’t seem to have any kind of traditional body dysmorphia, given a video he made in which he brought attention to, and discussed normalizing his bulge in women’s clothing. This is not the kind of thing a trans woman would do, given the nature of body dysmorphia—which is similar to anorexia. The same way a person with anorexia would have anxiety about their weight, a trans person would have anxiety about bringing awareness to what they consider the wrong body parts. Trans or not, Dylan Mulvaney is the most annoying person to ever wear flesh and bones.

Dylan Mulvaney posing with and drinking from his limited-run Bud Light can

Dylan Mulvaney with his limited-run can

Bud Light stock has continued to plummet. Hope for recovery has been lost as Modelo takes their place as the number one beer in the country. Don’t worry, Anheuser-Busch owns Modelo and Bud Light. But the sentiment is widely understood. Bud Light has lost favor. Admittedly, they were popular among “frat boys,” the very demographic they wanted to escape from, but now that the beer is synonymous with homosexuality, it’s unlikely that their key demographic will ever grant forgiveness. They will, in all likelihood, move on to another watered-down piss-tasting creek water, and never again submerge themselves in the icy plunge of Uncle Sam’s former favorite.

Not long after, Target carried, among other things, bathing suits designed to help little boys tuck their dicks back, and shirts for young girls that say “live, laugh, lesbian,” on them. There was outrage at an unprecedented rate. Unprecedented even for Target, which is no stranger to such controversy in recent years. They were boycotted and have suffered an 18% drop in stock in this short period. It seems our culture finally draws a line in the sand when they ostensibly come for the children.

A picture of the swimsuit at Target that caused so much controversy, with a tag that says "tuck-friendly construction"

The Dodgers had their own brush with marketing death when they announced that they would feature and honor a group of drag queens known as The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence with a community hero award. They are drag queen nuns that mock religion, whose slogan is “go forth and sin some more.” Fetish clowns with fists raised at the very God who gave them the rainbow. I wondered how many of the devout Christian Dodgers, namely Clayton Kershaw, felt about it. A decision they likely had no say over, and probably didn’t even know about until it was announced. Kershaw himself announced that this year, the Dodgers will bring back Christian Faith & Family Day in July. I’m not sure if that’s a good move, given how offensive both faith and family can be. The Sisters were uninvited and then re-invited, and the event was held on June 16th. There was a massive protest, 2,000 strong, but there is great disagreement about whether or not the stadium was pathetically empty, or a priapismic display, swelled to the seams with uncontested, rock hard pride. Many keys have taken a pounding over why we can’t all co-exist, but it only leads to the greater question of why little kids need to see drag queens mocking their religion at a baseball game.

The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence

I circle back to one of my first questions: why publicly celebrate sexual preferences? And why those? Why build an identity on it to begin with? We never celebrated heterosexual preferences in such outlandish ways, and it didn’t take long for those norms to devolve into drag queen story hour. A pride event in St. Cloud, Florida was cancelled after Governor DeSantis signed into law the Protection of Children Act, which prohibited establishments from allowing children into adult performances. The claim was made that, in light of this law, the pride event was cancelled out of fear. But the optics aren’t great: If we can’t have kids at this pride event, we will cancel it. Maybe because the children were the whole point of it. Either way, states are now banning drag shows because of their indiscretion in all-ages contexts, and the narrative has been turned into anti-gay republicans persecuting the trans community. If a willing responsibility had been shown toward children, they wouldn’t have suffered such consequences.

Tread Lightly

I don’t cry over spilled pride events, but I’m also no fan of government prohibition. Dave Smith has been warning for over a year that the involvement of children in these inappropriate practices could lead to a right-wing authoritarianism, and maybe we’re seeing the beginning stages of it now. In an anarchist society, without a top-down ruler to normalize such unnatural things, it’s difficult to believe that the majority would stray from the traditional family unit, which is, of course, the most natural collective.

I hope the LGBT community does not deceive itself into thinking that the government cares about them or wants the best for them. Government only has three functions, which I’ll list shortly. You, LGBT community, are simply another tool to these ends.

Why does the government love to promote homosexuality and trans ideology? Look a layer below what is clearly visible, and it’s obvious: the state hates God. Every state eventually turns its back to the Almighty because the natural course for all governments is to try to replace him. Take the U.S. government as an example. Within an arguable degree, the U.S. started largely as a Christian nation. The debate remains whether our founding fathers were legitimately Christian, or some kind of deists, or a little of both, but it’s irrelevant. The government of the late 1700’s was clearly, significantly more Christian than what exists today. No matter how “Christian” it begins, government still sticks to its three primary objectives:

  1. To justify its existence
  2. To perpetuate itself
  3. To grow its size and influence

These are basic, Rothbardian principles for the nature of all states. States, unlike businesses, do not produce anything. The best and most productive things it does involves theft from productive people, to pay a third party to produce. The government doesn’t protect you, they steal your money and pay police to protect you. Neither do they build the roads. They steal your money and pay construction companies to build them, and they outrageously over pay for those services.

To Justify Its Existence

Given its inherently unproductive nature, the state must justify its existence as a governing body. This is the origin of statements like: “Without a government, we would all be killed,” “Who would build the roads?” and “Corporations would control everything.” These are the first things to come to mind on the subject of anarchy because the state works very hard to justify its own existence, and the ideas have made it layers deep into our malleable brains.

To Perpetuate Its Existence

The second thing it does is perpetuate itself. This is why, inexplicably, the worse the government is at their job, the more funding they receive. The least policed areas get increases in their police budget. This, on its face, is illogical. The government is the only organization in the universe that gets a raise for not doing its job, well or at all. Bad roads? We need more taxes to pay for roads. There would be no roads if you didn’t pay your taxes, and you have to pay more taxes to have better roads. The first step (justification) is to convince you that government has to be the organization to provide these services, and the second step (perpetuation) follows closely with the facade that they carry those services out, when in reality, they pay third parties to do so. We could (in whatever way you can imagine) keep our money and pay our own police, construction companies, or whatever directly.

To Grow Its Size and Influence

Then comes the third step, which is to grow. All organizations are meant to grow. Businesses are meant to increase profits, and charities are meant to increase their donations and the effect of their work over time. What does the government do? Well, based on the first two steps, its only option is to increase its justification and perpetuation. It must grow in size and scope in order to argue further for the first two steps. Without us, there wouldn’t be roads, and since the roads are bad, we must take more money to build the roads, and now that we’re in charge of the roads, we need to have committees dedicated to inspection of the roads, and environmental impact reports for future roads, we need to buy up more land to build more roads to places we haven’t built yet, and you know what, that first highway is a little congested, so for the next thirty years we will expand it, or maybe build another highway to the same place. If its only function is theft, then it aims to steal more.

The roads are a benign example. They use public schools to achieve all three steps by teaching children the ideals of the state from the earliest possible age, and continue the education by fear-mongering that children could never be educated without them. Then these kids grow up to be state-perpetuators themselves. The ideology gets more and more crucial throughout the generations.

Antichrist States

Eventually, governments have to replace any organization that performs the services they strive to provide. Churches don’t provide as many community services as they used to, because the government replaced them. So the state becomes antichrist because Christ’s body is their competition. They want to provide for you the things the church used to, in charity, community, and education.

In the secular worldview, nothing outmatches the power of government. In reality, God outranks them, and they have to defeat their competition. This is why the government becomes increasingly secular throughout the generations and starts to promote antichrist ideology. They hate families for the same reason. Family can provide a social safety net that their pyramid scheme has to provide in order to function. This is why they promote abortion, and no-fault divorce, and yes, homosexuality and the castration of children. They want to eradicate families. The Soviet Union, possibly the fullest expression of a no-limit government, wanted to eradicate the family and have all children raised by professionals. Because they’re all our kids, right? Joe Biden just echoed very similar sentiments in a recent speech.

They promote the most radical ideals to turn children against their families. They convince your son that he’s a girl and that you’re a dangerous extremist if you disagree. If everyone were single with no family or children, they would need government to provide medicine, social services, and end-of-life care. Even though many would never realize the subconscious goals deep within them, this is the level to which the heaviest empires always rise. Every communist regime of the last two hundred years lives up to the reputation. They attack the family unit.

Rainbows in the Dark

There are two reasons the state loves LGBT ideologies: They hate God and they hate family. They raise their middle finger to God’s covenant, and embrace a covenant of madness meant to enlarge their power. Remember that the next time you see a rainbow, or drag queens at a baseball game. With Bud Light, Target, Starbucks, and other companies backing away from pride as a marketing tactic, it seems our exposure to it is on the decline. The rainbows are being edged into the dark. It is a government ideology that has very sinister goals, and the poor fools being (sometimes literally) paraded around are only tools in the hands of a wicked regime.