Category: Blog



    A Review of This Is Why by Paramore

  • Other Writings

    Previous blogs by Nick Steward which predate this website, are available here on

  • Death in Retrofuture

    Death in Retrofuture

    Death is a prevalent theme in the band Tiger Army’s lyrical content. I’m a huge fan, and I have been for fifteen years. Since I’ve been paying attention to the lyrics of Nick 13 for all these years, I’ve noticed some themes get built upon with proceeding releases. What I noticed about their most recent release, Retrofuture, is…

  • A Biblical Worldview of Disgust

    A Biblical Worldview of Disgust

    There’s a worldview behind everything. From the atoms that form us, to the stars shining above us, to the sharks swimming in the ocean. There’s an origin and a meaning behind it all. Even someone who believes things are created by time and chance still believe a purpose is being served.

  • God’s Love for the World

    God’s Love for the World

    What does the Bible mean when it says things like, “God so loved the world…” and “do not love the world or the things in the world”? The short answer is: it uses that word in different ways. We get to examine Scripture and decipher which ways. At the end we should have a more comprehensive view…

  • Purifying Fire in Isaiah

    Purifying Fire in Isaiah

    Scripture gets our attention by repeating certain themes and motifs. There’s a purpose and meaning to everything the Bible says, so we’re going to examine Isaiah’s repetitious use of fire imagery—what it means in the context of the book and what it means for the character of God.