Category: Podcast

  • 44: Spooky Tales from Church History (That Seems like a Lot of Popes) (Elect Exclusive #8)

    We have a Patreon exclusive for you today! Originally a Halloween episode, we tell a few creepy stories. A floating hand in the book of Daniel, the Beast of Revelation, churches that use human bones for decoration, a talking head, and a corpse on trial. Church history is full of enough spooks for us all.

  • 43: Why the Death of Death?

    Today we get into the concept of the death of death, and a little bit of history about the show.

  • 42: The Death of Babylon

    Today on the show we talk about how Babylon symbolizes death in the book of Jeremiah. We talk about how God often uses nations to symbolize certain things. This ultimately points forward to Jesus’ ultimate overthrow of death on the cross. 

  • 41: Exposing the False Religion

    In 2020, politics began to affect the every day lives of everyone in the country. How should we think about these things, posture ourselves, and above all, avoid participating in a false religion? Nick has everything you need to rustle some jimmies on today’s episode.

  • 40: Paul’s Apologetic

    We’ve been learning a lot about presuppositional apologetics lately, but does Paul actually preach that way in Athens? Today on the show we dive into Acts 17 to see how Paul argues for the Gospel and whether it’s consistent with Romans 1.

  • 39: Abraham’s Two Covenants

    Nick talks about the journey people take when they discover reformed theology. When we finally make it all the way to confessional reformed theology, should we baptize our babies? How do the two different covenants God made with Abraham affect this doctrine?