Category: Podcast

  • 20: Confessionalism

    A confession of faith is at the very heart of what it means to be reformed. But are they necessary and biblical? Are we in danger of idolizing them? Coming from the perspective of a confessionally reformed baptist, Nick gets into some history as well as practical use of confessionalism on this episode of The…

  • 19: Observations on the Holy Spirit

    Do you feel like your knowledge of the Holy Spirit is lacking? Sometimes, in order to grow in this area, it’s as easy as noting everything the Spirit does in the Bible. On this episode, I’ll take you through my observations on what the Holy Spirit does in Luke and Acts.

  • 18: 4 Ways the World Is Not Ending

    People have been predicting the end of the world for all of recorded history. Today we cover some of the more prevalent missteps taken today, and how not to fall for them. Nick hates people wasting their lives thinking the sky is falling. Join him as he expels myths and exalts the biblical worldview over…

  • 17: Time Is a Scarce Resource

    Time is the most scarce resource. Everyone has a limited amount of it. The way we use our time tells us what we value it for the most. Join Nick as he examines how we use our time and what we could do better.

  • 16: Restaurant of the Mind (1)

    Nick recounts everything he’s been reading. The good, the bad, and the young adult. Find yourself amazed by how long he can talk about Jurassic Park. Book links below:

  • 15: The Religion of Statism

    Statism and false religions have a lot in common. Have you ever wondered why people hold the government and the presidency so sacred? Join us as we hear and respond to a recent episode of Part of the Problem hosted by Dave Smith