The Death of Death

Everybody dies. At the very least, that’s a reason to mourn, but on the other hand, it is a constant reminder of a truth that Christians rejoice in: Christ has defeated death. 

Christ has conquered sin and death through his victory on the cross. When the only sinless man who has ever lived died, he broke what is called the law of sin and death. Death’s only power is sin, and when a sinless man died, there was nothing death could do to hold Him. Now He makes us partakers in that righteous, eternal life He has.

As of this writing, Tom Petty passed away this month. As Christians, we should mourn the fact that it seems Tom Petty didn’t know Jesus, and possibly died in rebellion to Him, but we can also rejoice that God is a God of grace, and it’s just as possible for Him to save a sinner like Tom Petty as it was for him to save a sinner like you or me. He was a person whom God gave enormous talent and musical ability, and as we listen to his music, we should rejoice in God that He would have the grace to grant that talent to Petty, and therefore bring us joy through great music. We should also let Tom’s passing be a reminder to us that death isn’t ultimately victorious; Christ is.

In God’s sovereignty, I will say that God knew the number of Petty’s days, and that He, being the Author of Life, was in control of his death. But, I would also say that God hates death so much that He sent His Son to die on the cross to redeem His people from it.

It’s not merely good music, or a lack of fear in death that Jesus has brought us through His victory. He is reconciling all things to himself. This site is dedicated to uncovering, declaring, and rejoicing in all of the things Christ gives to us through His life, death, and resurrection.


