Freelance Writing

I offer various services as a freelance writer, including sales copy, editing, and ghostwriting

The way you communicate defines how people see your brand, and what comes to mind when they hear your name, or think about your product

I use the methods of persuasion to influence people toward businesses and resources that help them, like yours

We are wired psychologically to interpret language in a particular way, like programming. But sadly, these tactics are used against us every waking moment. Advertisements use these tactics to condition us to their products, whether or not they are beneficial to us, some use them to convince us of things, regardless of whether or not they’re true, and others use them to make us do things we otherwise wouldn’t normally do

It’s my desire to fight against the malevolent use of influence, and instead nudge people to take advantage of the things that are good for them, and to learn to think for themselves

I want to help you. I want to use my gifting of communication to accurately represent you to your clients, and to convert your prospects into satisfied, committed, and lifelong customers

I want to make my living by doing two things:

  • Bringing success to your business
  • Providing your customers with a worthy and useful resource

What could be better than that?

I want you to be able to focus on what you do best—providing a service to people—and rest easy knowing your message is heard

If you are in need of my services, I receive business inquiries through this form: