• FISTING BEEHIVES: The End of the Empire

    FISTING BEEHIVES: The End of the Empire

    “We’re at the end of the empire. But it’s entertaining. No one ever told you how much fun it was going to be. I think that’s what historians always miss. ‘How do these great nations fall apart?’ It’s fun, that’s how. If you had a time machine and you could get some guy who was…

  • 97: Horror Movie Reviews

    97: Horror Movie Reviews

    The title says it all

  • 96: They Are Lying to You

    96: They Are Lying to You

    Don’t be alarmed. There is new evidence about January 6th, and Nick comes in a little hot about it. He’s still generally optimistic, though.

  • 95: Journaling

    95: Journaling

    Listen to this if you don’t journal. It might seem hard or pointless, but it’s very beneficial. There are as many methods and tools as there are journalers, and salesmen at every turn, so it can be hard to know where to start. But Nick cuts through the noise by sharing his routine, what notebook…

  • 94: The White Pill

    94: The White Pill

    Nick talks about his new favorite book, The White Pill by Michael Malice

  • 93: He Gets Us

    93: He Gets Us

    The internet erupted with hatred for Jesus after a super bowl commercial for the organization He Gets Us aired. This week, we look at the He Gets Us website and sort out the good, the bad, and the poorly written. Join the Elect: patreon.com/nicksteward