Tag: anarchism

  • The Rebellious Remnant: Punk Became Statist, but I’m Still Hopeful

    The Rebellious Remnant: Punk Became Statist, but I’m Still Hopeful

    “Fuck you, I won’t do what you tell me!” I remember the thrill those words brought me when I first heard them on the radio. Well, to be fair, I heard, “- you, I won’t do what you tell me!” It was on the radio, after all. KROQ, that alternative lodestar, close enough off of…

  • Anarcho-Capitalism Is Dead

    Anarcho-Capitalism Is Dead

    How Our Minds Are Programmed Brains may have killed anarcho-capitalism. I don’t mean to say that smart people have done this. Heavens, no. Our brains use schemas—cognitive frameworks, or think of them as mental blueprints that organize and interpret words and concepts. They come from what we learn and experience throughout life. Schemas help us…

  • TELEKINESIS: A Narrative

    TELEKINESIS: A Narrative

    Language has a power to manipulate narratives, control public perception, and shape beliefs, and the state uses it against us every day.


    My Thoughts on Last Night’s Town Hall I never feel more conflicted than when I hear Donald Trump speak. I laugh, because he’s a ridiculous person, no matter what you think about his policies. Nobody speaks, thinks, looks, or acts like him. He is possibly the most unique person on the planet. He has the…

  • FISTING BEEHIVES: The End of the Empire

    FISTING BEEHIVES: The End of the Empire

    “We’re at the end of the empire. But it’s entertaining. No one ever told you how much fun it was going to be. I think that’s what historians always miss. ‘How do these great nations fall apart?’ It’s fun, that’s how. If you had a time machine and you could get some guy who was…