Tag: apologetics

  • 70: Getting Tattooed by Sam Blanden

    Getting a stick-and-poke tattoo by my brilliant friend, Sam Blanden. We talk about presuppositional apologetics, freewill, Sam’s conversion story, and HELL.

  • 62: Brian Seitz on Christopher Hitchens

    I got to sit down with Patron Brian Seitz to discuss a couple chapters of god Is Not Great for this month’s Elect Exclusive episode! We talk about pigs and circumcision mostly, but a few other things as well. Enjoy!

  • 57: Can We Know God?

    Can we know God? Is it possible? What are the means of doing so?

  • 53: Some History of Christianity & Science

    I said SOME history of Christianity and science. We talk about views on whether science and religion are at odds with each other. We talk about common historical myths. We talk about some notable people, and a whole lot more! Join me for what will probably be the most exciting scientific adventure you’ll take today.

  • 50: Critical Race Theory

    Today on the show we talk about critical race theory. How should we think about it as Christians? What are some of the problems with this thought process?

  • 40: Paul’s Apologetic

    We’ve been learning a lot about presuppositional apologetics lately, but does Paul actually preach that way in Athens? Today on the show we dive into Acts 17 to see how Paul argues for the Gospel and whether it’s consistent with Romans 1.