Tag: biblical theology

  • Purifying Fire in Isaiah

    Purifying Fire in Isaiah

    Scripture gets our attention by repeating certain themes and motifs. There’s a purpose and meaning to everything the Bible says, so we’re going to examine Isaiah’s repetitious use of fire imagery—what it means in the context of the book and what it means for the character of God.

  • It Is Well…

    It Is Well…

    Wells aren’t just the centerpieces for great horror stories. There are a few wells in the Bible. Can you think of any significant biblical accounts taking place around wells? I never would have given it much thought, but upon further study, one sees they have great significance to the narrative of Scripture.

  • The Blood of Abel

    The Blood of Abel

    For a Bible character who doesn’t even last as long as a guest star on The Walking Dead, Abel has a surprising effect on the rest of the Bible. Genesis 4 is the beginning and end of Abel, the first man to physically die; the first man to be murdered. We have to back up a…