Tag: covenant

  • Rainbows in the Dark: Why the State Loves Pride and Hates God

    Rainbows in the Dark: Why the State Loves Pride and Hates God

    June is nearly over, and normally the entire month can be seen through the filter of refracted light. Rainbows are usually everywhere as businesses, individuals, and government organizations declare their support for the LGBT community.

  • 56: The Lord’s Supper: Death & Resurrection

    The Lord’s Supper is a participation in Jesus’ death and resurrection. We get into the past, present, and future aspects of it, the controversy of transubstantiation, and how God uses this sacrament for the spiritual nourishment of his Church.

  • 55: Baptism: Death and Resurrection

    Today on the show we talk about baptism as a symbolic death and resurrection. We talk about its roots in circumcision, the practice of it today, and how it operates as a means of grace. Dive in! (Pun intended)

  • 46: Death Conquered by Covenant

    The Bible is structured by the covenants God has made with his people throughout history. Today, Nick gives an overview of covenant theology with an emphasis on what it means for sin and death.

  • 39: Abraham’s Two Covenants

    Nick talks about the journey people take when they discover reformed theology. When we finally make it all the way to confessional reformed theology, should we baptize our babies? How do the two different covenants God made with Abraham affect this doctrine?