Tag: covid 19

  • 13: Sickness & Disease (Not Triskaidekaphobia)

    An overview of what the Bible says about sickness and disease. Illnesses are a result of the fall, but also a tool in the hands of a loving and sovereign God.

  • 12: Nick Makes Enemies

    Nick throws in his two cents about COVID-19 and says some pretty harsh stuff about the government. Who knew Nick was an anarchist? You never really can tell about people. Hopefully whichever government agent monitors him is also sheltered in place and isn’t listening.

  • 10: Post-Apocalyptic Church Attendance

    Everything is different in this wasteland hellscape of COVID-19. How should we approach church attendance? How do we view church attedance when we aren’t quarantined? Is optional church attendance a logically consistent thing to believe?