Tag: gospel

  • Legalism: A Short Story of Skull Rings & Identity Crises

    Legalism: A Short Story of Skull Rings & Identity Crises

    I’ve learned over the years what not to do in the Church. As it turns out, bad examples can be as beneficial as good ones. This is a cautionary tale about a skull ring. The long and short of it is this: looking like something doesn’t transform you into that thing.

  • Divine Impassibility & the Incarnation

    Divine Impassibility & the Incarnation

    This is not about something I know that you don’t. This is mainly an encouragement to study theology. I don’t want you to be afraid to study theology, or be discouraged from it. 

  • Ain’t No Grave

    Ain’t No Grave

    Christians are afraid of giving too much care to the flesh. There’s a newfound confusion between our sinful nature and our bodies. We’ve lost sight of the fact that our bodies will be raised and perfected at the resurrection.

  • The Death of Death

    The Death of Death

    Everybody dies. At the very least, that’s a reason to mourn, but on the other hand, it is a constant reminder of a truth that Christians rejoice in: Christ has defeated death.