Tag: postmillennialism

  • 74: Baptize the Nations

    The success of the great commission, and the growth of the Kingdom across the nations

  • 73: Postmillennialism

    Is it crazy to believe we’re living in the millennium from Revelation 20? No! C’mon, man. Quit… quit being silly.

  • 52: The Death of Death Hexagon, an Intro to Postmillennialism

    This week on the show we’re celebrating our one year anniversary! The one year anniversary spectacular! With theology, and celebration, and pageantry, and all kinds of things, baby! All sorts of stuff on the best… anniversary… best one year anniversary episode ever. End of the year spectacular best episode ever. 100 years. Best episode of 100…

  • 2020: Final Thoughts

    2020: Final Thoughts

    It would be easy to—and surely many people will—look back on this year and enumerate the many negative things that took place. Endless content could be produced about the failures of our government and politicians, our churches, small businesses, and even ourselves. 2020 was the year that nothing short of totalitarianism was instituted in the…

  • 38: An Encouragement for the Election Season

    Nick takes some time to put your mind at ease by saying things he’s not really allowed to say. Is it all hopeless? Did Postmillennialism officially become an impossibility in the year 2020? Take a load off and listen to your favorite podcast of all time.

  • 04: Optimism

    What is there to be optimistic about? Lot’s of things! The Bible not only paints a very optimistic view of the future under Jesus’ Lordship, but things in the present may not be as bad as they seem either. Join us as we unpack some of the most optimistic parts of the Bible.