Tag: romans

  • 09: Romans 6:15-23

    You are either a slave to sin or a slave to Christ. How does a Christian, freed from slavery to sin, live in light of that? That and more on this episode.

  • 08: Romans 6:1-14

    What does it mean for sin to be defeated? If our sins are paid for, does that mean it doesn’t matter if we sin? We get into that and more in this episode

  • 06: Romans 5:18-20

    Short episode! We finish up Romans 5 and take a sneak peak at chapter 6

  • 03: Romans 5:15-17

    Continuing our series through Romans 5 and 6, we touch on the contrasts between Adam and Jesus, the people who belong to each one, and the better work of Christ.

  • 01: Romans 5:12-14

    On the first episode of the podcast, we begin a series through Romans 5-6, the chapters that inspired the theme of the show. In addition to how sin and death came to be a part of our reality, we touch on topics such as the covenant of works, federal headship, imputation, and typology. Join us…