Tag: statism

  • What Is Truth?

    What Is Truth?

    Pontius Pilate once asked Jesus, “what is truth?” It was not a genuine question—more of a dismissal. Throughout the generations, anyone who wanted to deny the ultimate Truth would ask that same question.

  • 60: Revisiting the False Religion

    The cult of democracy, the cult of COVID, and the ransacking of the temple. A lot has happened since the last time we talked about the religion of statism, so there was a lot to talk about!

  • 2020: Final Thoughts

    2020: Final Thoughts

    It would be easy to—and surely many people will—look back on this year and enumerate the many negative things that took place. Endless content could be produced about the failures of our government and politicians, our churches, small businesses, and even ourselves. 2020 was the year that nothing short of totalitarianism was instituted in the…

  • 41: Exposing the False Religion

    In 2020, politics began to affect the every day lives of everyone in the country. How should we think about these things, posture ourselves, and above all, avoid participating in a false religion? Nick has everything you need to rustle some jimmies on today’s episode.

  • 15: The Religion of Statism

    Statism and false religions have a lot in common. Have you ever wondered why people hold the government and the presidency so sacred? Join us as we hear and respond to a recent episode of Part of the Problem hosted by Dave Smith